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Nineteenth Street Baptist Church

"Where Jesus Christ is the Only Attraction"
at the Chapel of the Four Chaplains - 1201 Constitution Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19112
Rev. Dr. Wilbur D. Winborne Sr., Pastor / Teacher

The Nineteenth Street Baptist
"Rise Up & Build"
Face to Face Worship & Fellowship on Sunday Morning
Dear Friends we invite you to experience the blessing of fellowship
and the uplifting spirit of worship at the Chapel of the Four Chaplains,
located at 1201 Constitution Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa within
the historic Navy Yard at the base of South Broad Street.
Our services offer biblical truth and hopeful inspiration,
where hearts are touched and lives are transformed.
Our doors are open and we welcome you.
Service Times:
Church School at 9am
Worship Service at 10:30 am
Our church family looks forward to meeting you
and sharing in the joy of worship together.
Pastor Winborne

"I was glad when they said unto me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord."
Psalm 122:1
Look for us in our 19th Street Baptist Church Facebook Group.
Click Here to Join our Group
The Bible says the "God is our Refuge and Strength, a Very Present Help in Trouble."
Psalm 46:1
Be encouraged, Be safe, Be wise and Be well.
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